Some players thrive through excellent play, others by luck, and most through a combination of both. Others sometimes throw a third element into the mix – a lucky charm.
We have seen our share of bejeweled card covers, brilliant bling and even some pajamas-clad poker players here at Playground Poker Club during the World Cup of Cards. Today we saw our first stuffed turtle.
Appropriately named “Turtle”, this lucky charm has kept Nicholas Haddad alive deep into this Day 1B of the Card Players Poker Tour event. Undeniable proof of the power of the half-shell was offered just now on table 28 when Nicholas found himself heads up against Jonathan Camara.
Nicholas had run the rest of the players off the table with his 7,500 opener, although Jonathan was keen to stick around to see the flop. When it came down
, Jonathan checked over to Nicholas. A quick pow-wow with Turtle resulted in a bet of 5,000, which chased Jonathan from the felt.
Was it Nicholas’ solid betting that won the hand? His reputation? His tiny stuffed turtle? We may never know.
Play continues…