Just now on table 31 we said goodbye to one of the (now less than) 50 players still standing in today’s Day 1B flight. This time it was Marc Petit who left us after losing a big pot to Inbal Peretz and then a final (much smaller) throw-away pot to Jason Rosen.
The first handed began with a raise to 12K from early position by Marc which was folded around to Inbal in the small blind. She shoved her remaining stack, which was not substantial, less than 75,000. After a bit of thought, perhaps realizing that he was also relatively short-stacked and may as well go for it, Marc called.
The board was dealt and Marc reluctantly doubled his opponent up.
With less than 40,000 chips still in his hand Marc’s body language indicated that he would shove on the next hand no matter what, and that he did. Leave it to lady luck to give him a pretty decent hand to shove with on his way out the door. Jason Rosen called.
The board came down , and Marc’s pair didn’t stand up. He packed up his jacket and headed for the door.