Back on table 20, which seems to be getting a lot of the blog’s attention, we witnessed a hand predominantly played between Stephan Richer and Steve Horic. The entire hand Steve had his hat pulled low over his eyes and his left hand rested on his left cheek. He didn’t move a muscle except when he moved in chips.
Steve started the hand by raising it 20,000 preflop. It was called by two players, one of which was Stephan in the big blind. With 65,000 in the pot, the flop was dealt .
Stephan checked, so Steve bet 32,000. Stephan called it, but the other player faded out of the hand.
A came down on the turn, prompting another check from Stephan. This time, still relatively motionless, Steve raised to 60,000. Up to this point Stephan had always been happy to call, but as the size of the bets went up, his confidence went down.
He ultimately couldn’t solve the riddle of the Steve and folded. Steve raked in the chips and Stephan lived to play another hand.